While on your daily zoom calls are you finding yourself getting easily distracted? Are you looking on other tabs? Maybe you are finding yourself gazing off past your screen at something else? Are you wiggling or bouncing in your chair a lot? Maybe you are getting up to walk around or pace, during virtual calls or meetings? Or perhaps you are looking at your screen but not actively listening to the speaker or content? If you said “yes” to any of the above scenarios, you may benefit from a fidget. There are several types of fidgets that can be used as a tool to aid attentiveness and anxiety. A common misconception is that fidgets are only for children or adults diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or anxiety. Fidgets can be useful to anyone, of any age, especially in a virtual world where we are typically getting less sensory input or stimulation.
A study by UC Davis professor, Julie Schweitzer examined the benefits of fidgeting for children with ADHD. The participant’s activity and attentiveness were measured using a concentration task (the “flanker paradigm”) and an ankle tracker. The results indicate that the more movement (bouncing, wiggling etc.) a child had was correlated to a higher performance when compared to a child gently moving in place.

So, where do you start? How do you find a fidget that is right for you? Here are some of our suggestions and ideas.
1. Chair Bands: These bands are a great option for a customizable fidget. The bands can be used to bounce legs up and down or to kick back and forth. Chair bands typically connect between the legs of a desk or on the legs of a chair. It is important to note that this fidget is typically only very discreet when on virtual meetings or calls. This fidget would be difficult to transfer if your job or school requires you to move from room to room throughout the day.
This fidget has 4.5 stars with 704 ratings
2. Honmofun Fidget Cube: This fidget is the most budget friendly from our list. This cube has a built in worry stone, click buttons, a switch, spinner, roller, and a glider. Each of the 6 sides come with different levels of noise. For example, the worry stone feature is relatively silent while the clicking buttons may pose as a distraction to colleagues or fellow students. This fidget comes in 4 color options.
This fidget has 4.5 stars with 1,883 ratings
3. Inflated Wobble Cushion: The linked cushion is versatile. In addition to being used to sit and wiggle/bounce, it can be used to better one’s posture and core strength. This fidget is subtle and can provide additional sensory input from the small “spikes” or bumps for users. The wobble cushion would be ideal for those who are seated in the same chair for prolonged periods of time. This fidget comes in 6 color options.
This fidget has 4.5 stars with 2,439 ratings
4. Silicone Dimple Key Chain: This key chain is portable and can be manipulated with 1 or 2 hands. The clip feature would allow for you to clip it to a bag or purse, belt loop, water bottle, or could simply be sitting on your desk (unattached). Made out of silicone, this is a quiet fidget and will not distract others around you. This fidget comes in 2 color options.
This fidget has 5 stars with 6 ratings
It is also important to note that a good fidget is somewhat discrete and is not loud, or distracting to others. When considering the right fidget for you, keep in mind what your meetings or calls look like. Would someone be able to see your legs bouncing on the Chair Bands or hear the clicking of a button on one of the above fidgets?
In addition to fidgets, brain breaks may also help you regain your focus and concentration. Click here to read our previous article on ideas for brain breaks.
These are just a few examples of fidgets that may aid in concentration, anxiety, or restlessness. If you have any questions, concerns or are curious what else could help you with work or school in a pandemic click here to book a free 30 minute consultation with clinician, Danielle Feerst, OTR/L. In addition, you can connect with us on our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. If you have any ideas for future blog posts, feel free to message us on any of our social media accounts or email us at ielevatesc@gmail.com .
Written by Madison Gies, Peer Mentor/Coach